
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Top 10Health Tips:

In this age of technology, every 3rd   man is facing the problem of health. Lots of people searching online health tips for a healthy life or they visit the clinic for the doctor. Sometimes we don’t care about our self. But we should take care of our health because “health Is the wealth” so in this article I am going to show you the secret of health. You will get the answers to “how to live healthily?” These health tips will help you in your life to live healthy relax and reach a more balance in your life. These health tips are very easy to fallow.
top 10 health tips for life to live healthy and happier life


top 10 health tips for life to live healthy and happier life

Sleeping is an important part of our life. if we don’t sleep properly then we become ill. So Normally in 24 hours we should sleep 6 to 8 hours. proper sleeping is good for health. if we work very hard and don’t take proper rest then we feel tired and then we ill. We need sleeping so that our body renew its resources and our body renew its function properly on both bodily and spiritual levels So, sleeping Give us comfort.

2. Vitamin

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Our body needs the vitamin to grow our bones. Sunlight is important because we sunlight is on our skin our skin produce vitamin D which is important to grow our bones. so here I give you the advice to eat fresh food and for a couple of mints leave your office or home and go to sunlight. Don’t go to the sunlight at high temperature but go to such time when sunlight temperature low and you enjoy the sunlight. We can get vitamin through fresh food like vegetables, fruit etc.

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Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Water is necessary for our health because it is cleaned our body system, create metabolism and get out the poisons. It is very important for your health to drink one glass water in the morning time . in a normal day we should drink up to 8 glass of water which is equal to the 2 liters.
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5. Don’t Forget Breakfast

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Breakfast is that the most significant meal in the day so we should do breakfast. If we leave it We hungry and our body uses the energy of our vitamins and at the end of the result we lose our energy and we become thick so it is very important to do breakfast. Breakfast gives the energy to the whole day and we work all day.

6.Exercise And walking

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Every person know that walking at the morning time is greater benefits but most people’s get up late or they have so time to go on the walk or they have not enough time to do some exercise for their health. We are using technology and all the time we use left and don’t go through the stairs. or we go to a little walk with our friends. A research shows that every person should walk 12 miles long per week. So we should follow these health tips and walk more and more and do exercise for our health fitness and live our life healthy. respect to yourself

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

We live to relax and leave all the tensions in our lives and think about yourself and love to yourself and give respect to yourself because there is no one except you.  When you start to leave blame yourself at the day you will succeed and live healthily and relax life so  I advise you to if you went to live the healthy life you should live tension free and give respect to yourself and give proper time to yourself.

8. Make More Finds

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

It considers that lonely peoples become ill very soon and they die at a little age. The peoples who have no more find they always in stress, depression and not active physically. Research shows that socially connected peoples become less ill because they connected with peoples and get the guidance of health form peoples.

9. Always Say Thanks!

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Thanks, is the greater key to live healthily.  we should say thanks that we have all these things which other people have not. Some people waste their time focusing on these things which they have not. They should be focusing these things that they have and always say thanks for these things. This is the best tip for a healthy and happy life.
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10.Protect From Germs

Top 10 Health Tips For Healthy And Happier life

Cleanliness is very very important for a healthy life. Cleanliness saves us from disease and keeps our body neat and clean. so, save yourself from germs and wear neat and clean dresses. Wash your hand when with germs protect soap you ready for eating. Cleanliness is not in the include hygiene but it saves us from germs and we live happy, healthy and germs protect life.