March 09, 2019
Exercise Is Health Defender Which Keep you Fit and Health [Fitness And Health Tips]
Today, the type of airborne exercise has increased interest in patients and patients, which was originally started since 1960. Exercise exercises such exercises, which have increased the blood pressure of oxygen with blood. There is little intensity, but a longer period of exercise, which is easily used as habitual, running slowly, walking, walking, cycling, dance, snowing, etc.
On the contrary, the disordered exercise is more intense and less periodical. During this, oxygen cannot be found as precious as possible, and it is only to oxygen only on the oxygen.
To maintain fitness and keep heart vitas in the right condition, it should work 30 minutes a day or leave a day for 60 minutes.
Health Tips:
This exercise can be done in such a way that lightweight sweat or slightly breathing.
Those people who do not have a habit, work slowly. One way to distinguish your exercise is also to determine the maximum speed of your heart, and then exercise so intensely that the speed of heart, the higher Up to 60% of the speed.
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To detect the maximum speed of your heart, reduce your age from 220.I f you are 40, reduce 40 out of 220, the answer will come 180, which will be 60% of 108, ie 40 years old man can exercise so intensely. That speed increases up to 108 per minute,
This is the limit of the band.
Those who have good health can also do it up to 70 percent by the physician's permission.When exercise is done, then the benefits of getting a weekend are over,
So exercise should continue. People generally continue to exercise which they feel comfortable and the most enjoyment of enjoyment is long-lasting, which people can always keep and keep.
The benefits of exercise from the heart to the heart, are moderate and moderate in the blood pressure and moderate pressure. It is also in the state of relaxation and also during a minor work. Blood exceeds blood and present in blood Cholesterol reduces. Chances of average age in sportsters are more likely to reduce heart attack. Reduced cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL) increases.
Those who are more likely to lose cholesterol, they reduce the risk of temporary heart, the weight becomes appropriate and moderates in high blood pressure.
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If a person goes three miles a week, three times in 48 years, the weight of 4800 will decrease in weight, it will decrease by 13 pounds. If a person gets fat from the neck, the shoulders and the stomach should be gathered, such as men If there happens, the chances of a severe heart increase.
Exercise reduces fatty fat and has a good effect on the mind.
Anxiety, depression, and chronicles are reduced and fatigue also decreases.T here is a sense of breath and it is the same, as it is with psychiatric therapies.It helps to stimulate the temptation. OSTEOPOROSIS decreases and diabetes moderates.
The exercise is also useful for the elderly.T he women can also exercise, human beings, their specialist physicians are allowed.T hey should take a walk from 15 to 30 minutes.S till, speed should not exceed 140 per minute. Child blood in women They should be careful, but they should be careful not to have enough breathing flowers. All the good exercise is to take 30 minutes faster.
Short work is that exercise is very important and useful for everyone. The best exercise is to move fast, which can be done in the indoor room or on the terrace in bad weather. There are times, television can be seen to remove Akta Hit. Young and young people can start exercising exercises.
People who are heart patients or who have doubts about their heart and health can start exercising after medical advice.
If there is no medical advice, there will be no harm for anyone on the right side before eating. All good exercise is a long walk. It is not necessary that you go far away but do it too late.
The odd thing is that most people do not take care of exercises, but there is no exercise in the past, however. The exercise is to be wasted in the morning and it should be stretched rapidly. It is a good exercise for everyday driving for 30 minutes. It is also useful for children. You want to go, sleep and have a health facility.
People who are heart patients or who have doubts about their heart and health can start exercising after medical advice.
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If there is no medical advice, there will be no harm for anyone on the right side before eating. All good exercise is a long walk. It is not necessary that you go far away but do it too late.
The odd thing is that most people do not take care of exercises, but there is no exercise in the past, however. The exercise is to be wasted in the morning and it should be stretched rapidly. It is a good exercise for everyday driving for 30 minutes. It is also useful for children. You want to go, sleep and have a health facility.